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3/03 What Makes a False Teacher?

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Up Next in 2021: January - March

  • 3/03 What Makes a False Teacher?

    Man builds an ice bike; Professor tries to program chatbot AI to decode whale songs; ADF reviews consequences of "Equality" law; British police retreat from statement that being offensive is illegal; Researchers make claims about uncertain dates from partial DNA recovered from broken teeth; Cosmo...

  • 3/08 Why Is Confusion Popular?

    Toddler tries to call 911 on Dad's locked phone; California law makers bring back fines for retailers who dare to sell "boys" and "girls" toys; Gallup poll shows massive increase in young Americans identifying as neither male nor female; Researchers tracking movements of yellow slime molds claim ...

  • 3/10 Does the Pope Trump the Bible?

    Team returns wallet to owner who lost it in Antarctica 53 years ago; Bethany agrees to place orphans with LGBTQIA+ adults; Daily Beast responds to our Lucy display; New Mexico politicians repeal abortion ban and conscience protections for hospitals and healthcare workers; Roman Catholic Pope says...