Creation College 3

Creation College 3

This special collection features twenty excellent sessions from Creation College 3, a national conference of Answers in Genesis from 2009. Get equipped with the creation-affirming information from many areas of science and Scripture!

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Creation College 3
  • Evolution and Logical Fallacies - Dr. Jason Lisle

    In this informative presentation Dr. Jason Lisle gives viewers a fast-paced course on logic, in addition to reviewing numerous logical fallacies, and giving examples of how evolutionists often use fallacious arguments in arguing for their position.

  • Modern Medicine and Ancient Authority - Dr. Tommy Mitchell

    Is a belief in evolution necessary to be a good doctor? Some have claimed that a physician who rejects the idea of evolution will make bad clinical decisions. Is there a basis for this claim?

  • Jurassic Prank - Dr. Tommy Mitchell

    Dinosaurs . . . mighty creatures that supposedly roamed the earth millions of years ago. Where did they come from? How did they live? Where did they go? Did they really evolve into birds? Do dinosaurs prove evolution?

  • Radioactive and Radiocarbon Dating: Turning Foe into Friend- Dr. Andrew Snelling

    Few people who think that radiometric dating proves the earth is billions of years old really understand the underlying assumptions. Using simple illustrations, geologist Dr. Andrew Snelling examines these assumptions and equips viewers with information to counter their anti-biblical arguments. T...

  • Noah’s Flood and the Age of the Earth - Dr. Andrew Snelling

    This presentation reveals the failed attempts of evolutionists to account for their proposed millions of years of earth history, and points to the true biblical age of our planet. As the Apostle Peter warned, there are those who scoff at the biblical account of the Flood and the young age of the ...

  • The Flood:The “Big Picture” of Its Mechanism & Resulting Evid-Dr Andrew Snelling

    Geologist Dr. Andrew Snelling presents several lines of evidence that both confirm the biblical account of the global Flood, and cannot be explained by evolutionary models. From deep sea fossils high atop the Himalayas to the movement of the continents during the Flood, the big picture comes into...

  • The Ultimate Proof of Creation - Dr. Jason Lisle

    Dr. Jason Lisle presents an ultimate proof for the existence of God and the truth of creation. He goes beyond the battle over “evidence,” and demonstrates why and how we are to defend the faith. Dr. Lisle shows how only the Christian worldview can account for the world we live in.

  • The Need for Creation Ministry, Part 1 - Ken Ham

    Part 1: Ken Ham gives helpful insights into the reasons for the decline of Creation Ministry, which started with attacks on issues like the age of the earth and the accuracy of the history in Genesis. Ken shares how churches and individuals can stand against destructive, evolution-based ideas and...

  • The Need for Creation Ministry, Part 2 - Ken Ham

    Part 2: Ken Ham gives helpful insights into the reasons for the decline of Creation Ministry, which started with attacks on issues like the age of the earth and the accuracy of the history in Genesis. Ken shares how churches and individuals can stand against destructive, evolution-based ideas and...

  • The Need for Creation Ministry, Part 3 - Ken Ham

    Part 3: Ken Ham gives helpful insights into the reasons for the decline of Creation Ministry, which started with attacks on issues like the age of the earth and the accuracy of the history in Genesis. Ken shares how churches and individuals can stand against destructive, evolution-based ideas and...

  • The Need for Creation Ministry, Part 4 - Ken Ham

    Part 4: Ken Ham gives helpful insights into the reasons for the decline of Creation Ministry, which started with attacks on issues like the age of the earth and the accuracy of the history in Genesis. Ken shares how churches and individuals can stand against destructive, evolution-based ideas and...

  • Radiohalos - Dr. Andrew Snelling

    Radiohalos: Evidence of Accelerated Radioactive Decay and Catastrophic Geological Processes

    Radiohalos have been described as a “very tiny mystery” hidden in the crystals that make up rocks. Geologist Dr. Andrew Snelling explains how these tiny mysteries help to unlock a biblical understanding o...

  • Grand Canyon: Testimony to the Biblical Account of Earth’s History-Dr A Snelling

    Grand Canyon offers some of the most breathtaking vistas in the world, but did the tiny Colorado River really carve this massive feature? Evolutionary thinking about Grand Canyon requires the passage of millions of years. Dr. Andrew Snelling uses diagrams, beautiful photographs of the canyon, and...

  • Genetics, Evolution, and Creation (2009) - Dr. Georgia Purdom

    Genetics, Evolution, and Creation: Most Asked Questions

    From gene duplication to beneficial mutations, more and more evolutionists are attempting to use discoveries in the field of genetics as proof for common ancestry of life on earth. In this informative video, Georgia Purdom (PhD, molecular g...

  • Hope Amid Despair - Dr. Georgia Purdom

    Eve was the original bad girl of the Bible who left a legacy of sin and despair that affects our parenting and marriages even today. But Eve has another legacy— through her seed came Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of man. Dr. Georgia Purdom’s presentation will walk you through the life and legacies o...

  • Wonder of the Cell - Dr. Georgia Purdom

    Dr. Georgia Purdom uses her intimate knowledge of the inner workings of a cell to provide you a glimpse of its amazing complexity. Detailed computer animations show how the intricate machinery working in a single cell can only be explained as the handiwork of a Master Designer.

  • All Creatures Great and Small, Part 1 - Dr. Georgia Purdom

    Part 1: Bacteria are often used as a model organism for evolutionary biology, but there are many reasons this is not appropriate. This interesting presentation uses a creationist perspective to help us understand God’s original design and purpose for microbes and how various genetic mechanisms si...

  • All Creatures Great and Small, Part 2 - Dr. Georgia Purdom

    Part 2: Bacteria are often used as a model organism for evolutionary biology, but there are many reasons this is not appropriate. This interesting presentation uses a creationist perspective to help us understand God’s original design and purpose for microbes and how various genetic mechanisms si...

  • All Creatures Great and Small, Part 3 - Dr. Georgia Purdom

    Part 3: Bacteria are often used as a model organism for evolutionary biology, but there are many reasons this is not appropriate. This interesting presentation uses a creationist perspective to help us understand God’s original design and purpose for microbes and how various genetic mechanisms si...

  • Biblical Creation: Strengthening Your Defenses, Part 1 - Dr Terry Mortenson

    Part 1: For 200 years, Western Christians have been told that the Bible is not clear about how long God took to create, or how old the earth is. But is that true? This important presentation looks at biased objections that have been voiced against the young-earth view. These objections include:


  • Biblical Creation: Strengthening Your Defenses, Part 2 - Dr Terry Mortenson

    Part 2: For 200 years, Western Christians have been told that the Bible is not clear about how long God took to create, or how old the earth is. But is that true? This important presentation looks at biased objections that have been voiced against the young-earth view. These objections include:


  • Biblical Creation: Strengthening Your Defenses, Part 3 - Dr Terry Mortenson

    Part 3: For 200 years, Western Christians have been told that the Bible is not clear about how long God took to create, or how old the earth is. But is that true? This important presentation looks at biased objections that have been voiced against the young-earth view. These objections include:


  • Biblical Creation: Strengthening Your Defenses, Part 4 - Dr Terry Mortenson

    Part 4: For 200 years, Western Christians have been told that the Bible is not clear about how long God took to create, or how old the earth is. But is that true? This important presentation looks at biased objections that have been voiced against the young-earth view. These objections include:


  • Deep Time Evolution, Part 1 - Dr Terry Mortenson

    Part 1: We constantly hear the mantra: “Evolution is science, creation is religion,” or “Evolution is a proven scientific fact.” But is this true? Highlighting the words of evolutionists themselves and examples from biology, geology, and paleontology, Dr. Mortenson demonstrates that evolutionism ...