Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2021)
The Future of Israel; Zechariah 1-4
Season 9, Episode 10
The prophet Zechariah returns to Judah with the former exiles and has visions of Israel's future. His overall message is both challenging and encouraging to the Israelites. Zechariah's first and main emphasis was not the rebuilding of structures, but a return to the covenant between God and His people. Zechariah's fourth vision brings reassurance to the people that the priesthood, which did not operate during the exile, would be restored. In the vision, Joshua, the first high priest after the exile, is dressed in dirty
garments. Standing by his side is satan, accusing Joshua of all his guilt and sin. God then rebukes satan and Joshua is dressed in clean priestly clothing. The truth of this prophecy is astounding. God takes away our sin and clothes us with righteousness, He alone rebukes the evil that accuses us.
We are a family-run international ministry with television, print and online programs designed to guide you through the Bible in one year.
From social issues and apologetics to theology, history and science, our mission is to educate, edify and encourage the believer to actively engage with God's Word in all ways.
Up Next in September, 2021
How's our Hearing?; Zechariah 5-8
Sometimes it is hard to hear the plain truths of the Scripture over the sound of our own ideas. We all have things that we want to be true, meanings that we import into our understanding of the Bible. We need to develop an honest relationship with God in which we are bold enough to lay open our h...
The Fall of Israel; Zechariah 9-11
The prophet begins to speak to Israel about the future. The next few chapters of Zechariah are a fascinating display of what God will do. Some of it has already happened, while other sections remain to be fulfilled. Zechariah, the person, was a contemporary of Haggai and is mentioned in Nehemiah ...
The Day of the LORD!; Zechariah 12-14
Not all Biblical prophecy has been fulfilled; there are several significant times still predicted. God does not lie; His Word can be checked historically, and so we can have confidence that these prophecies will come to pass. The Day of the LORD is one such future event during which God will reve...