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Up Next in August 2024

  • The Great Attack; Ezekiel 37-39

    Nearly one-third of the Bible is prophecy. The reason we study it is to get to know God and His character better, and to learn about how God will return. I believe there are two times Christ comes to earth. He has already come the first time as a baby, and now we are waiting for His second return...

  • The Temple; Ezekiel 40-42

    I believe that Ezekiel 41 describes the millennial Temple, the Temple to be built in the future. So, it is hard to understand unless you draw out the instructions carefully. of course, these instructions were written by Ezekiel, living around the sixth century BC. We believe him to have been take...

  • The Authority; Ezekiel 43-45

    one of the things we learn in the Scriptures containing prophecy is that whatever authority is not given to God, will be taken by Him in the end. He is the Creator of heaven and earth, whether we like it or not. In Ezekiel 44, we read about a defilement of the Jerusalem Temple and about the Levit...