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Up Next in October 2023

  • Acts of the Apostles; Acts1-3

    "Many avid readers of the Bible, as well as Bible scholars, have noted that the book of Acts is a sequel to the Gospel of Luke. It is what happened next. Like Luke, Acts was written by Luke to Theophilus. This time however, the book focuses on the fulfillment of Jesus' words that the gospel will ...

  • Suffering for Jesus Christ; Acts 9-10

    "The recording of the Kingdom of God's early expansion continues in the book of Acts with a new soon-to-be apostle named Saul. Saul was directly confronted by the risen Jesus on the road to Damascus. originally from Tarsus, Saul had trained to become a Pharisee in Jerusalem, a strict party within...

  • The Kingdom of God; Acts11-13

    "It sounds great that the Kingdom of God will grow and expand. It warms our hearts, it gets us excited, until we realize that the Kingdom of God is going to include people that we don't like, or even that we deem as unworthy. Thankfully, God is not bound by the human traditions and thinking that ...