Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2023)
The Resurrection; John 20-21
Season 10, Episode 19
"When Jesus rose from the dead, He completed the work of His first coming. He also left behind some significant signs for us. After the crucifixion, Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus had prepared Jesus' body by wrapping Him in strips of linen with a mixture of many spices, which was a common Jewish burial practice. However, this was done hastily
because Sabbath was approaching. After the Sabbath, Jesus' female disciples went to complete the burial customs, but they found the stone rolled away and His body missing. When Peter and John were notified, they raced to the tomb and realized the wrapping linens were still there and the handkerchief that had wrapped Jesus' head was folded. Imagine
the questions running through their heads: If someone had stolen the body, what was the purpose of unwrapping it and folding the head cloth? The disciples had been trying to honour Jesus' body in His burial, but those preparations were ultimately unnecessary. Praise God!
Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2023) - June 2023.
We are a family-run international ministry with television, print and online programs designed to guide you through the Bible in one year.
From social issues and apologetics to theology, history and science, our mission is to educate, edify and encourage the believer to actively engage with God's Word in all ways."
Up Next in October 2023
Acts of the Apostles; Acts1-3
"Many avid readers of the Bible, as well as Bible scholars, have noted that the book of Acts is a sequel to the Gospel of Luke. It is what happened next. Like Luke, Acts was written by Luke to Theophilus. This time however, the book focuses on the fulfillment of Jesus' words that the gospel will ...
Suffering for Jesus Christ; Acts 9-10
"The recording of the Kingdom of God's early expansion continues in the book of Acts with a new soon-to-be apostle named Saul. Saul was directly confronted by the risen Jesus on the road to Damascus. originally from Tarsus, Saul had trained to become a Pharisee in Jerusalem, a strict party within...
The Kingdom of God; Acts11-13
"It sounds great that the Kingdom of God will grow and expand. It warms our hearts, it gets us excited, until we realize that the Kingdom of God is going to include people that we don't like, or even that we deem as unworthy. Thankfully, God is not bound by the human traditions and thinking that ...