World media cover big TikTok snake video; Feminist religious leaders re-translate one verse and ignore the rest of Scripture . . . and other stories reviewed during this November 8, 2021, broadcast of Answers News.
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For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions.
- - - - - - - - - - - 2 Timothy 4:3
Viral video of worlds biggest snake' being lifted out of rainforest leaves viewers shocked.;ss=i4
Earth's demise could rid galaxy of meaning, warns Brian Cox ahead of Cop26
Antifa protesters disrupt Texas college campus pro-life prayer vigil: 'F--- your God!'
An ancient mistranslation is now helping to threaten abortion rights
Newly Found Sponge-Like Structures Could Push Animal Evolution Back by Several Hundred Million Years
2.5 billion-year-old traces of life locked inside primeval ruby
Postmodernism, secularism have increasing influence over Americans' decision-making: report
More than 99.9% of studies agree: Humans caused climate change
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Photo by: Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
Up Next in 2021: October - December
11/10 Will Sponges Alter Fake Time?
Trick-or-treat thief faceplants during getaway; Paleontologist's demosponges may alter 350 million years of imaginary time; Researchers find carbon inside rubies; Mandatory training at AT&;T claims white people are racist; Biologists try to explain evolution of similar neurons in humans and owls;...
11/15 2,000 More Babies in Texas
California man finds grizzly bears inside his house eating his leftovers; Researchers think evolution made mice that can regenerate tissue; New NASA leader thinks a big universe includes ETs; September abortions drop by half in Texas after heartbeat law goes into effect; USA argues about roles of...
11/17 Did That Baby Have a Tail?
Mojo sells toys with evolutionary misinformation; "Race Cars" helps 7-year-olds adopt Critical Race Theory; VP Harris asks if NASA satellite data on trees shows environmental justice; Evolutionists try again with homology; College students sue school over discrimination against guest speaker; Abo...