Universe Battles provides numerous observable evidences that the Solar System is not billions of years old.
Cassini was a complex exploratory spacecraft launch from NASA in 1997. Its mission was to study Saturn and its rings and moons. one of the many surprising discoveries was the observation of geysers of water spraying miles into space out from its icy moon, Enceladus.
Enceladus is supposed to be 4.6 billion years old. Every object eventually reaches equilibrium with its ambient temperature. How could Enceladus still be geologically active after billions of years? Enceladus provides one of many observable evidences that the solar system has only been in existence for thousands of years.
Interviews with six scientists with special guest Ken Ham.
Up Next in Creation - Evolution
Running the Rapids
Dr. Al Mohler uses current events to help pastors, parents, and young people understand the unique challenges that young Christians face in our increasingly anti-God culture. This talk was originally presented to pastors, but it is must-viewing for parents of youth of all ages!
Millions of Years: The Idea's Unscien...
Dr. Terry Mortenson introduces the men and the theories that helped popularize the idea of millions of years of earth history. This talk is a 1-hour lecture in contrast to the 2-part, 2-hour lecture in my Answers University series.
Replacing Darwin: The New origin of S...
Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson effectively and authoritatively documents the newest scientific discoveries, refutes Darwin's claims, and presents evidences that support a compelling alternate explanation for the origin of species.