Genesis, Babel & the Chinese Language - Dr. Andy McIntosh
Creation - Evolution
If the Tower of Babel really took place, do we have any evidence today? Dr. McIntosh reveals some astonishing evidence that biblical events are recorded within the written language of ancient China!
Up Next in Creation - Evolution
Where Did God Come From?
This powerful talk by Ken Ham teaches Christians the right way to defend their faith when they discuss creation vs. evolution.
Ape-men: The Grand Illusion
The consensus among secular scientists is that man evolved from an ape-like creature over a period of millions of years. But what is that claim based on?
Universe Battles: Big Bang or Big De...
Universe Battles provides numerous observable evidences that the Solar System is not billions of years old.
Cassini was a complex exploratory spacecraft launch from NASA in 1997. Its mission was to study Saturn and its rings and moons. one of the many surprisi...