Creation, Cross & Culture
Worldview and a Christian Philosophy of History (part 2)
Season 1, Episode 15
There can only be a transcendent solution to the problem of history, by the incarnation, death, resurrection, ascension and kingdom rule of the man Jesus Christ. only in the providence and sovereignty of God can we face the future and rest secure in his promise of restoration and renewal for all things by the Man he has appointed.
Up Next in Season 1
Worldview and a Christian Philosophy ...
The scriptural view of history is that the Son of God is not simply saving individual souls, but is inheriting the nations, as we read in Psalm 2 and elsewhere.
Sex and Intelligent Design
Without taking one's underlying assumptions about the world into account, human thinking in areas like human sexuality remains uncritical, shallow and superficial.
The Syncretistic Motive of Modern Cul...
There is a revival of syncretism in the modern approach to religion that not only dashes to pieces the real and historical claims of biblical Christianity (and of other historical faiths) by relativizing them, but also presupposes an absolute, divine perspective on truth for the syncretist.