GREAT Conversations with Calvin Smith
8 Seasons
Join Calvin Smith (Executive Director and Speaker with AiG Canada) and his guests as they have G.R.E.A.T. (Gospel, Relevance, Evangelism, Apologetics, Training) Conversations relating to church and culture today. Discover how Answers in Genesis resources impact lives in gospel outreach.
Answers in Genesis, Canada (AiG CA) equips thousands of Canadians and millions worldwide to defend their faith and proclaim the gospel more frequently and effectively through our powerful video content.
From 60-second shorts to our multi-episode Answers Originals, AiG CA produces a wide variety of high-impact media content guaranteed to invigorate the faith of believers and challenge skeptics to consider the truth claims of God’s word from the very first verse!
11:21Episode 1
S3E1 Why half-truths aren't true at all
Episode 1
Why half-truths aren't true at all. If the first 50% of time in scripture isn't true, why believe the second half?
S3E2 Effective Evangelism! With special guest Mr. Cory McKenna
Episode 2
Calvin sits down with the Founder of the Cross Current ministry- Mr. Cory McKenna to discuss our current situation in regards to outreach in the West, and what the church needs to implement immediately to initiate effective evangelism.
S3E3 The bid for Intellectual Credibility‚ among many Christian leaders
Episode 3
Many Christian leaders attempt to align themselves with the worlds teaching to seem more credible in the world's eyes, here's why it will not work long-term.
S3E4 How Genesis relates to a life & death issue! Guest Hannah Salamon-Vegh
Episode 4
Calvin Smith discusses with special guest and pro-life activist Hannah Salamon-Vegh the cultural implications of a society that has abandoned Genesis as it's foundation and its impact on life and death issues facing the church and culture in Canada.
11:41Episode 5
S3E5 Loving God with your mind
Episode 5
Calvin Smith (the Director of Answers in Genesis CA) discusses how loving God includes a spectrum of heart, soul, and mind, not simply an emotional commitment, but an intellectual one as well.
S3E6 Genesis- Common sense, science & scholarship! Guest Dr. Dustin Burlet
Episode 6
Special guest Dr. Dustin Burlet shares his personal exploration of various nuanced arguments including the common idea that near eastern creation narratives somehow influenced biblical authorship of the Genesis text.
S3E7 From slippery slope- to runaway train!
Episode 7
How the slippery slope of marginalizing Genesis became the runaway train of disbelief in culture today!
S3E8 A survival guide for Christian students! With Patricia Engler
Episode 8
Calvin Smith (the Director of Answers in Genesis CA) sits down with special guest and AiG Youth outreach Coordinator Patricia Engler to discuss her new book written as a survival guide for Christian students in secular universities. Learn about how her own personal experiences and research have ...
12:00Episode 9
S3E9 How the West needs to be won again
Episode 9
How the West needs to be won again. The West once lead in equipping and evangelism, and now its losing ground at an alarming rate!
S3E10 The Genesis of a brand-new Critical Thinking course for Christians!
Episode 10
The Genesis of a brand-new Critical Thinking course for Christians! With AiG CA Youth outreach Coordinator Patricia Engler.
Discover what prompted AiG Youth outreach Coordinator Patricia Engler to produce and write a fantastic new Critical Thinking course for Christian students (available on Ans...
S3E11 If God created everything,why are some things so unintelligently designed?
Episode 11
one of the most instinctive and obvious arguments for the existence of God is the incredible design we find in nature. But if God created everything, why are things so unintelligently designed?
S3E12 Jesus & Genesis-What the New Testament says about creation with Dr. Burlet
Episode 12
Jesus and Genesis - What the New Testament says about creation. Many people mistakenly think that the issue of creation, the Flood, where the different people groups came from and the age of the earth only involve the interpretation of Genesis 1 - 11. It's important to remember that the teaching ...
S3E13 Date Doctoring:Why you can trust the Bible's timeline VS radiometric datin
Episode 13
Date doctoring; why you can trust the Bible's timeline VS radiometric dating methods often used to convince people against the trustworthiness of scripture.