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Up Next in October, 2021

  • The Boy Who Was Healed; Mark 9-10

    Many of us live with ailments, disease, impairments, and health issues our whole lives. often they become so normal that we just accept them as part of who we are. But in God's original design, the first man and woman were created very good‚ with no physical problems. If we have accepted Jesus Ch...

  • The Fruit of the Fig Tree; Mark 11-12

    In our reading today, there is a fascinating encounter between Jesus, the Creator of all things, and a fig tree. Jesus, seeing a fig tree in the distance and being hungry, approaches the tree to see if there is any fruit among the leaves. Finding no fruit, Jesus openly curses the tree, as His dis...

  • Keep Watch!; Mark 13-14

    The end of time is a controversial idea. Many do not believe in an end of time in our lifetime because they do not believe the Biblical account of the beginning of time. But if time itself had a beginning, logic would dictate that it will have an end. The Word of God tells us that time itself has...