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Up Next in October, 2021

  • Keep Watch!; Mark 13-14

    The end of time is a controversial idea. Many do not believe in an end of time in our lifetime because they do not believe the Biblical account of the beginning of time. But if time itself had a beginning, logic would dictate that it will have an end. The Word of God tells us that time itself has...

  • The Great Commission; Mark 15-16

    The gospel is the good news of Jesus Christ. The good news is that the cost for sin was paid for in full by our LORD Jesus Christ through His death, resurrection, and ascension. We can be reconciled to God and be made right before Him when we accept Jesus Christ and follow Him as the LORD of our ...

  • The Greatest Message; Luke 1-2

    The word angel means messenger of God, and the name Gabriel means strong one of God. Gabriel was sent as God's messenger to a young virgin named Mary to foretell the divine birth of the coming Christ. This pregnancy would come as a result of the Holy Spirit descending upon Mary. This was the grea...