Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2024)
Wives & Husbands; 1 Peter 1-3
Season 12, Episode 12
So much of our culture today comes from the entertainment industry. Think of fashion and beauty trends, so many of our jokes, sayings, values, and goals are all influenced, if not directly set, by entertainment and Hollywood. It's amazing to me because this is true even though we all know the entertainment industry is by its very essence, unreal. one area we can all agree on is that the entertainment world has failed to set a good example in the image of the family. Hollywood is not known for its long-lasting marriages, for fidelity, or for stable children. Where we should look for this is in the Bible. Unfortunately, so few of us do! Satan has sold us the idea
that the Bible's view on marriage and family is oppressive, backward, and unrealistic, but that's a lie! When we really look at what the Bible puts forward, it isn't what so many claim that it is. It can be applied to all cross-culturally, just like all of God's truth can be. 1 Peter 3 is just one of
the places in the Bible that speaks directly to wives and husbands.
Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2024) -December 2024. We are a family-run international ministry with television, print and online programs designed to guide you through the Bible in one year.
From social issues and apologetics to theology, history and science, our mission is to educate, edify and encourage the believer to actively engage with God's Word in all ways.
Up Next in December 2024
Unique Focus; 1 Peter 4-5
As Christians, we are called by God to a unique focus. We are no longer to pursue our own pleasures in this world, although we will have life pleasures as God gives them to us. our main pursuit becomes building the Kingdom of God. We know that Jesus Christ will come again soon, and that when He c...
False Teachers; 2 Peter 1-3
False teachers were a problem in the time of the New Testament, and they are a problem still today. Teaching what God has said is very important. God has given us special revelation through the Bible, and that is what should be taught. The difficulty comes in when people claim to be teaching the ...
The Truth; 1 John 1-5
It's not all about what we believe, it is also about how we live. How we live reveals what we truly believe. John was a man who understood this and emphasized the importance of knowing and allowing the Holy Spirit to change us as we continue to seek God. We see this come through 1 John 2:3-4, Now...