Ideological purge; Population reduction; Evolution revised; Criminal murder; Universal crisis; Neandertal jewelry: Mass extinction . . . and more during today's episode of Answers News, broadcast live from the Creation Museum.
Up Next in 2019: October - December
11/18 Ape Spit Shoots Holes in Goo To...
A confused convict; An old Twinkie; A committed sheriff; A dumb ape; A medical mystery; An intolerant chairman . . . and more during today's episode of Answers News, broadcast live from the Creation Museum.
11/25 Let the Baby Die. It's Darwinism
Child prodigy; Feathered fossil; Darwinist hate; Giant apes; Continued confusion; Freedom attacked; Human animation; Blurred definitions; Editing babies . . . and more during today's episode of Answers News, broadcast live from the Creation Museum.
12/02 Ross' Tiny Flood
Turkey chases the mail; Ross' tiny flood; Google forces opinions; Canadian church declines; Scientists find sugar; Host attacks Christians . . . and more during today's episode of Answers News, broadcast live from the Creation Museum.