Answers News

Answers News

27 Seasons

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Join our hosts for a look at culture and science news through the lens of a biblical worldview. Answers News is designed to help Christians think Biblically about what they hear and see in popular culture, pointing people back to the authority of God’s Word in every area of their lives.

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Answers News
  • 4/06 Not By Bread Alone

    Episode 1

    Astrophysicist magnetizes his face; Bakers make dough on virus; Paleontologist claims to find fish fingers; Cambridge Ph.D. student "proves" Darwin using Biblical kinds; British approve home abortions; Court sentences Argentinian doctor for refusing to abort baby; de Blasio pressures NYC churches...

  • 4/13 Wake Up Call

    Episode 2

    Residents jury rig pizza elevator; Deer wander streets of Calgary; Americans sense opportunity to repent; Americans buy more Bibles; Paleontologist earn money by changing their story... often; Climate alarmists leverage Covid-19; Activist arrested at field hospital; Eight activists arrested outsi...

  • 4/20 Sir! Yes, sir!

    Episode 3

    Flaming vicar; Volcanic Mars; Buried rainforest; Neutered soldiers; Boastful governors; Productive neanderthalsÉ and more during todayÕs broadcast of Answers News.

  • 4/27 Seashells Pile Up on North Carolina Beaches

    Episode 4

    Answers News - April 27, 2020

  • 5/04 Redefining God

    Episode 5

    Engineers design artificial cameranimals to study real animals; UK lawmakers disagree about gender chemicals and surgery for minors; Americans increasingly redefine and reject biblical God; Weighted survey results from 1000 pastors shows US liberals accept climate change; Gene research disappoint...

  • 5/06 Legal Polygamy

    Episode 6

    Baby humpback whales nurse; Researchers recognize rapid speciation; Activists redefine marriage again; Americans marry less often; Neurologists tell language fables; Paleontologists review fossils from the Sahara; Abortionists outraged by coronovirus closures . . . and more in this episode of Ans...

  • 5/11 Unpacking Raptors

    Episode 7

    Murder hornets invade; Gondwanatherian bones make headlines; Deluded mum sues British government; Canadian judge screams at father for resisting state sterilization of daughter; Evolutionists argue about unfossilized raptor behavior . . . and more in this broadcast of Answers News!

    “Murder horn...

  • 5/13 ELCA Prays to Mother God

    Episode 8

    Customer tips big; Filmmaker normalizes dysphoria; Researchers trace marble to specific quarry; Professors announce our sun is not normal; ELCA prays to mother god; Parents disagree with school board over sex indoctrination; Naturalists see evolution in pandemic . . . and more in this broadcast o...

  • 5/18 Minutes Not Millions of Years

    Episode 9

    Boy pursues $3 Lamborghini; Mountain moves minds; Pope says pray… to whomever; Pastors disagree about words and methods; Evolutionists tell bone stories despite uncertainty; Study determines chimps are not people; Study shows fellowship reduces despair; Snowball Earth deniers design another fault...

  • 5/20 More Flood Evidence Ignored

    Episode 10

    Holey Rome; Ghoulish marketing; Provocative judge; Bearded fable; Misinterpreted belemnoid; Murderous charity; Reported propaganda; Spun facts and more in this episode of Answers News.

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    “In that day the deaf shall hear the words of a book, and out of their gloom and darkness ...

  • 5/27 Seeing Everything Differently

    Episode 11

    Climate alarmists discover penguins are dangerous too; Prodigal posts personal truth; Microaggressive academics tell people to follow rules; Lawyers propose laws to protect churches from lawsuits; Evolutionists see what they want to see in knuckles bones; Reporters insist hot meteor impacting icy...

  • 6/01 God Gave Them Up

    Episode 12

    Heroic boys rescue drowning girl; Activists capitalize on police brutality to foment destruction; Private-sector space program succeeds; Postdoctoral fellow mistakes longer toes for evolution; Researchers implant electrodes to trace letters in participants’ minds; USA birth rate lowest since 1909...

  • 6/03 Norsk Feil

    Episode 13

    Curious diver finds rice sized seahorse; Disney empire also outs Pixar; Probable simulations get headlines; Researchers study bitten bones; Norwegian professor echoes same old error; Abortion advocates throw eggs at praying pro-lifers; CNN continues spreading overpopulation fears… and more in thi...

  • 6/08 Walking on the Ceiling

    Episode 14

    Butcher stocks meat vending machine; University astronomer bets on aliens; Salzburg bishops demand perversion; Bias blinds Viennese to miracle of the ear; Under oath Planned Parenthood sells baby parts; Sauropod trail becomes cave ceiling . . . in this broadcast of Answers News.

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  • 6/10 Impact Downgraded

    Episode 15

    Bait company builds giant lure; Professor questions asteroid extinction; Biologists interpret spore spines to support ozone and climate fears; Researchers document truth decay in USA; Virus experts say faith and science work together; People define “weeds” differently; Team analyzing snake genes ...

  • 6/15 The PhyloCode

    Episode 16

    Bird biologist finds lost lizard; Lawyer documents sex advocacy in public schools; Evolutionists propose PhyloCode for naming creatures; Biologists intelligently design experiment to replicate imaginary past; Religious atheists celebrate expanding indoctrination; NSF funds paper returning to volc...

  • 6/17 Britain Rethinks Puberty Blockers

    Episode 17

    Married couple celebrates 80-year anniversary, Harvard prof urges homeschoolers to be indoctrinated by public schools, Britain reverses direction on puberty blockers, scientists discover dinosaur's last meal, researchers find oldest land animal fossil, punctuated evolution example debunked, court...

  • 6/22 Flood Solves Antarctica Rainforest Mystery

    Episode 18

    Drunk elephants and armadillos baffle scientists, US Supreme Court normalizes transgenderism, Tennessee schools required to release students in time for church, Global Flood solves Antarctica rainforest mystery, 30 alien civilizations lurking in the Milky Way? Disney fans cry "racism" at theme pa...

  • 6/24 Colors Beyond Our Sight

    Episode 19

    Maintenance crew stuffs roller coaster; Politicians insist conversion is abuse; Researchers sort 929 genomes into evolutionary model; Activists hate female author; Hummingbirds see colors humans can't; Bird feathers bend light; Nickelodeon celebrates #pride; Chemist and geologist think life came ...

  • 6/29 #CancelDarwin

    Episode 20

    Ten brothers welcome sister; Cancel culture considers Yale and Darwin; BLM King incites destruction of white Jesus; More babies born at night, so evolutionists tell a story; Planned Parenthood picks same side in “life and death” election; London biologists pick 25 embryos, edit 18, then kill all ...