Counterfeit Counseling
Social Issues & Worldview
Unfortunately, many Christians today who hold to the authority of God's Word falter when it comes to counseling. Brad Bigney highlights the foundation from which most counseling today is derived, and reveals how the basic principles are often contrary to God's Word.
Up Next in Social Issues & Worldview
Escape from Darkness
How can we effectively evangelize those still trapped in the traditions and deceptions of Islam? Speaking as one who formerly trained Muslims in the strategies of Islamic jihad, the speaker includes his own testimonya miraculous escape from darkness!
Running the Rapids
Dr. Al Mohler uses current events to help pastors, parents, and young people understand the unique challenges that young Christians face in our increasingly anti-God culture. This talk was originally presented to pastors, but it is must-viewing for parents of youth of all ages!
Suffering - Dr. Georgia Purdom
Filmed at the 2015 Answers for Women Conference, this program discusses answers to life's toughest questions about God and suffering.