Episode 6
The New Babysitter - A Lesson About Kindness
David is not happy having a new babysitter. David and Carter decide to behave badly. The new babysitter exhibits the Fruit of patience and kindness and they all enjoy a huge banana split together as a peace offering.
Galatians 5:22
Church is for Everyone! - A Lesson About Fellowship
Christian decides to play ball with his friends instead of going to church. However, Christian invites Slim, who has never been to church, and as they hear the miraculous powers of Jesus, they both learn Jesus is the true Super Hero.
Matthew 18:19-20
Up Next in Season 1
Sea Kids - Responsibility & Preparedn...
Episode 7
Praying tor Puppy - A Lesson About Responsibility
Susie tells her parents that she is responsible enough to take care of a puppy but is devastated and prays to Jesus when she loses him.
Ephesians 6:6-7Practice Makes Pretty Perfect - A Lesson About Preparedness
Mandy never wants to pr... -
Sea Kids - Contentment & obedience (E...
Episode 8
Friends First - A Lesson About Contentment
Melissa is saving her pennies for a new bubble toy. Melissa let's Susie use the toy and it's accidently broken. Both girls learn friendship is more important than toys.
Philippians 4:11,13Safety First - A Lesson About obedience
David disobey... -
Sea Kids - Grace & Courage (Episode 9)
Episode 9
Grudge or Grace - A Lesson About Grace
June holds a grudge against her friends. After hearing God's word about letting go of anger, she apologizes to her friends and they apologize for not including her in their class group.
Ephesians 4:31Faith over Fear - A Lesson About Courage