Kids' Evolution Videos

Kids' Evolution Videos

A playlist of Kids' Evolution videos.

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Kids' Evolution Videos
  • The Present is Not the Key to the Past

    It's been said the present is the key to the past...but is it?

  • Part 1 - Life: What is Life?

    Part 1: The earth abounds with a fantastic variety of living things. But what is life? Why are living things so similar? Explore amazing answers from the Bible! Contains 9 mini programs.

  • The Nature of Science

    Does science trump the Word of God? No way! This fun, animated video demonstrates how science couldn’t even be possible without God and how we need to be careful how we “interpret” evidence.

  • Evolution Refuted

    This fun, informative, animated short explains two irrefutable scientific facts that make evolution unscientific. Have fun.

  • Radiometric Dating

    Ever wonder how anybody really knows how old the earth is? Are all dating methods really accurate and reliable? This video explores the multiple assumptions that take place in certain "dating" practices and you might be surprised at what's revealed.

  • Mars

    Evidence is growing that Mars was once wet and this possibility fits nicely in the creation model.

  • Lucy--Not a Missing Link

    Dr. David Menton teaches why Lucy is not a "missing link."

  • Evolutionists Fabricate Ape-Men

    Dr. David Menton teaches how evolutionists fabricate ape-men.

  • The Origin of Races

    Ever wonder why there are so many different "colors" of skin if we all came from Adam and Eve? Are there really different "races" or are we all of one race - the human race? This fun, educational video explores some of these questions and gives biblical answers.

  • Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution—Cuttlefish Excerpt

    Join Dr. Jobe Martin as he explores remarkable animal designs that cannot be explained by traditional evolution.

  • Why Do We Look Different?

    Why Do We Look Different?

  • How Old is the Earth/Universe?

    How Old is the Earth/Universe?

  • Scopes Trial

    Why was the Scopes Trial significant?

  • S1E2 Building Blocks

    What are the building blocks of life?

    This amazing video from the Creation Museum highlights the beauty and majesty of God’s awe-inspiring handiwork throughout the seemingly endless universe. Contains 8 programs.

  • Why Shouldn’t Christians Accept Millions of Years?

    Why Shouldn’t Christians Accept Millions of Years? - One of the twelve most-asked questions from the highly popular New Answers Book 1 on video.

    We live in a culture with more questions than ever—questions that affect one’s acceptance of the Bible as authoritative and trustworthy. This video fea...

  • Doesn’t the Order of Fossils in the Rock Record Favor Long Ages?

    Doesn’t the Order of Fossils in the Rock Record Favor Long Ages? (Dr. Andrew Snelling) - One of the twelve most-asked questions from the highly popular New Answers Book 2 on video.

    We live in a culture with more questions than ever—questions that affect one’s acceptance of the Bible as authorita...

  • Did Humans Really Evolve from Apelike Creatures?

    Did Humans Really Evolve from Apelike Creatures? (Dr. David Menton) - One of the twelve most-asked questions from the highly popular New Answers Book 2 on video.

    We live in a culture with more questions than ever—questions that affect one’s acceptance of the Bible as authoritative and trustworth...

  • Dinosaurs, Genesis, and the Gospel, Part 1

    Part 1: This upbeat educational program is filled with music and fun biblical teaching. Ken Ham and Buddy Davis answer questions about dinosaurs and how they relate to the Bible.

  • Dinosaurs, Genesis, and the Gospel, Part 2

    Part 2: This upbeat educational program is filled with music and fun biblical teaching. Ken Ham and Buddy Davis answer questions about dinosaurs and how they relate to the Bible.