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Up Next in Creation - Evolution

  • Testing Evolution: Exposing Flaws

    ‚ √Ѭ¢ Are humans and chimps only 1 to 2% different?
    ‚ √Ѭ¢ Is the human genome 98% junk, as claimed?
    ‚ √Ѭ¢ Is Mitochondrial Eve evidence for evolution?
    ‚ √Ѭ¢ What are some recent discoveries regarding our chromosomes?
    ‚ √Ѭ¢ What should be done about creation in public schools?
    ‚ √Ѭ¢ Does the...

  • Lucy‚ She's No Lady!

    Confused about the discovery of Lucy, a missing link‚ between chimps and humans? Anatomist Dr. David Menton leaves no doubt that the famous Lucy‚ fossils belong to a knuckle-walking, apelike creature, who was not a lady!

  • Quick Answers to Tough Questions on S...

    Why does creation matter? Where did Cain get his wife? Doesn't carbon dating disprove the Bible? Isn't evolution a fact? Hear 15 quick answers to some of the most-asked questions about God, the Bible, and Creation.

    Your faith will be encouraged by overwhelming scientific confirmation of God's ...