Creation Basics
S1E19 Is the concept of Intelligent Design religious or scientific?
Season 1, Episode 19
A common criticism of the concept of Intelligent Design, is that it's being religious rather than scientific. Is that valid? Actually, all worldviews are inherently religious, and evolutionists should admit that recognition of intelligent design while conducting scientific research is common practice. Evolutionists resist the idea of I.D. in living things because of the philosophical implications.
Up Next in Season 1
S1E20 Don't the facts for evolution s...
Are the facts for evolution' so strong they speak for themselves? or are facts spoken for by the people representing them? Are creationists biased while evolutionist aren't?
S1E21 Creation or evolution, who cares?
Creation or evolution? What difference does it make?Following the logical conclusions based on these two ultimate starting points' for existence actually has eternal consequences. What could be more important than that?
S1E22 When did God create dinosaurs?
God created everything, so when did God create dinosaurs? Take a quick walk through biblical history to find an easy answer.