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Creation Basics

S1E31 Is systemic racism real?

Season 1, Episode 31

Up Next in Season 1

  • S1E32 Were there dinosaurs after the ...

    Were there dinosaurs after the Flood? Some Christians think that the Flood wiped out all of the dinosaurs, and that's why we don't see any around today. But is there evidence they lived afterwards?

  • S1E33 Is the creation/evolution debat...

    Is the creation/evolution debate between Facts and Faith? Do creationists and evolutionists have different facts, or do both have faith in the same facts?

  • S1E34 Who gets to decide who lives or...

    Who gets to decide who lives or dies? our modern society likes to portray itself as an advanced and fair culture, with a superior moral and ethical position to those of the past. But is that really the case?