Are People Born Gay? (2021) - Dr. Georgia Purdom
Contending for Society Webinar 2021
We need to lovingly show that, regardless of feelings, the choice to embrace any sexual lifestyle other than God's design for marriage is sin, and as with any sin, the only hope for deliverance is the redeeming work of God's grace offered through his Son Jesus Christ.
Up Next in Contending for Society Webinar 2021
Climate Change - Dr. Alan White
Everywhere we turn, we hear warnings about serious threats to life on earth. With each report, extremists demand immediate, drastic government measures to slow down climate change before it is too late. But we cannot understand the climate change issue unless we ground our perspective in God's Word.
Will They Stand? - Ken Ham
How does God's Word instruct us to train children? What are the roles of parents in their kids' education? How should Christians view public schools? How can we train our children to face the secular giants of our day? In this talk Ken Ham covers these questions and much more.
Upcoming Contending for Society Webinar
Simon and Ken promote the webinar.