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When Dragons' Hearts Were Good

Collection of Songs: Buddy Davis • 2m 29s

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  • Homemade Music by Buddy Davis (Full V...

    A full video of "Homemade Music" by Buddy Davis.

    Get ready to tap your toes! In this fun new music video, singer-song writer Buddy Davis cooks up an "oven load" of homemade songs. Every emotion-touching tune was recorded in Buddy's 180-year-old log cabin, or a tiny country church nearby.

  • Front Porch Gospel with Buddy Davis: ...

    Summer, Part 1: Go down home with Buddy as he sings and plays his way through some bluegrass favorites‚ old and new! In this music video produced by the family of two teen homeschoolers you'll meet Missy, the prodigal donkey, and tap your foot to some great banjo and guitar picking. Let Buddy's g...

  • Front Porch Gospel with Buddy Davis: ...

    Summer, Part 2: Go down home with Buddy as he sings and plays his way through some bluegrass favorites‚ old and new! In this music video produced by the family of two teen homeschoolers you'll meet Missy, the prodigal donkey, and tap your foot to some great banjo and guitar picking. Let Buddy's g...