Check This Out
6 Episodes
You’ve never seen the creation issue addressed quite this way before! If you want teaching that is fun and exciting, you need Check This Out!
03:22Episode 1
Fossils and the Flood
Episode 1
Is the fossil record "evidence" of evolution, or does a worldwide flood best explain it? Does evidence "speak for itself" or is it interpreted by people with different worldviews? Watch and find out a few things you might not have known!
03:18Episode 2
Radiometric Dating
Episode 2
Ever wonder how anybody really knows how old the earth is? Are all dating methods really accurate and reliable? This video explores the multiple assumptions that take place in certain "dating" practices and you might be surprised at what's revealed.
03:38Episode 3
The Origin of Races
Episode 3
Ever wonder why there are so many different "colors" of skin if we all came from Adam and Eve? Are there really different "races" or are we all of one race - the human race? This fun, educational video explores some of these questions and gives biblical answers.
02:16Episode 4
Pain and Suffering
Episode 4
Pain and suffering in a world created by a good and loving God are difficult issues for some people to accept. Although it is a sensitive subject, there is a biblical reason why pain and suffering exist today.
03:55Episode 5
The Nature of Science
Episode 5
Does science trump the Word of God? No way! This fun, animated video demonstrates how science couldn't even be possible without God and how we need to be careful how we interpret‚ evidence.
02:36Episode 6
Evolution Refuted
Episode 6
This fun, informative, animated short explains two irrefutable scientific facts that make evolution unscientific. Have fun.