Canada Feature Videos

Canada Feature Videos

5 Seasons
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Answers in Genesis, Canada (AiG CA) equips thousands of Canadians and millions worldwide to defend their faith and proclaim the gospel more frequently and effectively through our powerful video content.

From 60-second shorts to our multi-episode Answers Originals, AiG CA produces a wide variety of high-impact media content guaranteed to invigorate the faith of believers and challenge skeptics to consider the truth claims of God’s word from the very first verse!

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Canada Feature Videos
  • S3E1 Evolution's "Emperor" Has No Clothes!

    Episode 1

    Why have even many in the church obediently smiled and nodded obeisance to the intellectual cloak of invisibility donned long ago by the story of evolution?

  • S3E2 Lost in a Sea of Relativity

    Episode 2

    A consistent atheist is forced to believe that there are no moral absolutes. If there is no God, then each person has the right to decide for themselves about right and wrong. However, if each person’s mind is the result of random chance processes over time, there isn’t even a reason to trust log...

  • S3E3 Understanding Easter from Eden to End times

    Episode 3

    On Easter Sunday, many Christians around the world will commemorate the resurrection of their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Why Is this important?

    Christians understand that this is the event in history where atonement for sin was made possible because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross of Calva...

  • S3E4 The Lost Path to the Roman Road

    Episode 4

    In Matthew 13:44 Jesus said, “[T]he Kingdom of heaven is like a treasure…” And Ephesians 2:8 says, “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.” And since this free gift of God, salvation, is the most precious treasure any human being cou...

  • S3E5 The House of Mirrors

    Episode 5

    Many believers are finding that the world we live in is like a strange hall of mirrors, increasingly distorted and out of place to what it once was. Some things appear similar but appallingly strange in other ways. Many Christians realize something is drastically wrong, especially older believers...

  • S3E6 St. Augustine Was a Young-Earth Creationist

    Episode 6

    A common assertion by those who don’t hold to the plain reading of Genesis 1–11 is the fallacious declaration, “Many of the Church Fathers did not hold to what is commonly called Young Earth Creation” And despite the overwhelming evidence against this claim, one of the well-known Church Fathers- ...

  • S3E7 What forensic science can teach us about our origins

    Episode 7

    Many people don’t understand there are two, distinct types of science that often get lumped into the same category- which causes many people to view Bible-believing Christians as ‘science deniers’. They often see the difference much more clearly when shown what forensic science can teach us abou...

  • S3E9 Teaching Kids Creation- Mr. Potato Head and genetics

    Episode 9

    Just like how ‘Mr. Potato Heads’ come with a variety of the same parts, sexually reproducing organisms typically have genes for varieties of the same traits (eye shape, hair color, height, etc.) that are selected whenever a new creature is conceived. However, swapping parts around doesn’t create ...

  • S3E10 Postmortem on the Apostate.

    Episode 10

    It’s hard not to notice the increasing number of many well-known people who used to claim Christ as their Savior that have apostatized lately, denying God exists. On a practical level, what steps does a person have to take from professing Christian to declaring atheism? What specifically do you h...

  • S1E1 Freakshow: Evolution in Entertainment

    In the 1800s and early 1900s, traveling circuses provided hours of amusement for attendees. But there was a dark side to many- specifically- the sadly misnamed freak show. Most exhibited were the unfortunate victims of medical conditions that lead to de-humanizing exploitation- the most negativel...

  • S1E2 Freakshow: Tragic Tales of Evolutionary Exploitation

    Portrayals as ‘missing links’ took a fearful toll on many unfortunate people involved in the human Freak Show industry. As evolutionary ideas grew among the scientific community, naturalistic ideas of man’s origins were disseminated among the general public through such exhibits. Once popularized...

  • S1E3 Freakshow: Fueling the Fire of "Scientific" Racism

    The demeaning exploitation of people as sideshow freaks helped propagate a much more insidious belief which gained steam and became normalized in Western society—the belief in scientific racism. Darwin’s publications catalyzed scientific racism into mainstream acceptance, justifying the belief th...

  • S1E4 Freakshow: The Holocaust before the Holocaust

    The Herero genocide was a systematic campaign of racial extermination that included the use of concentration camps and medical experimentation and is considered the first genocide of the 20th century. Belief in Darwin’s missing links led directly to belief in Darwin’s law of survival of the fitte...

  • S1E5 Freakshow: The Search for Scientific Evidence

    From its inception, the scientific proofs offered to support human evolution have been riddled with holes. In fact, just like the dubious side-show examples touted by circus shysters, many of the earliest proofs were fraudulent, and modern research shows that many proofs were driven by scientific...

  • S1E7 Freakshow: Regaining God's Image

    Racist ideology, lack of compassion for the elderly, infirm, and unborn- and dissolution of traditional marriage, family, and human identity are rooted in an evolutionary interpretation of human anthropology. Humanity has grown comfortable seeing mankind as a civilized animal with bestial roots t...

  • S1E6 Freakshow: Removing God from the Equation

    For many people, the story of evolution removes God from the equation of life, concluding if there is a naturalistic, scientific way to account for the universe and everything in it, then God’s law is irrelevant. However, if we are simply evolved animals, how does morality apply at all? If “Thou ...