Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2021)
In the Name of Jesus; Acts 4-5
Season 10, Episode 20
Jesus Christ is perhaps the most well-known name in all of history. Sadly, though, it seems that more and more people in the west only recognize the name of Jesus Christ as a swear word. The question is why? Why do people use the name of Jesus Christ as a curse? There are others who know the power of that name and have dedicated their lives to make both the Person of Jesus Christ and His character known. The first time the name of Jesus Christ was banned from use was in the first century, and the first place it was prohibited was in Jerusalem. The persecution of the Church began nearly right away, recorded in the book of Acts. The Church has a rich history that includes persecution and punishment for using the name of Jesus Christ. We know the truth; His name is powerful. Peter and John knew this firsthand, and they remained faithful to their LORD.
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From social issues and apologetics to theology, history and science, our mission is to educate, edify and encourage the believer to actively engage with God's Word in all ways.
Up Next in October, 2021
The Church Expands; Acts 6-8
The Church of the LORD Jesus Christ began to expand with remarkable numbers of people. Amazingly, this occurred despite the persecution they were receiving. God has a way of advancing His Kingdom despite human opposition and sometimes even through human opposition. This is an interesting fact tha...