Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2022)
Seeing Heaven; Isaiah 6-8
Season 6, Episode 22
"We seem to hear about near death experiences more frequently today. In the late 1980s and 90s, I worked on a daily, live television program where, on a few occasions, we would have a guest come on who would share their experience or encounter. one thing I could never fully understand was the peace that came to those who had those near death
experiences. It is like pulling back the curtains of reality for just a moment. The Bible tells us that in the wake of King Uzziah's death, Isaiah is called to be a prophet. He is given a stunning vision of God on a throne, high and lifted up. In his vision, Isaiah sees angels called seraphim. His description of these beings and their actions are remarkable. one of
the seraphim took a live coal from the altar and touched Isaiah's mouth, declaring to Isaiah that his sins had been atoned for. This enabled Isaiah's prophetic words from this point forward to be a light and a power to those who would listen. We would do well to listen.
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