Go Into All the World, Part 3 - Ken Ham
Apologetics with Ken Ham
Part 3: Using the example of the Apostle Paul's address before the Areopagus in Acts 17, Ham demonstrates how to present the real history found in Genesis as the foundation for truly rewarding evangelism efforts. Communicating the true history of the Bible is key. only then will a biblically illiterate, secularized culture understand the gospel and recognize their need for the Savior.
Up Next in Apologetics with Ken Ham
Go Into All the World, Part 4 - Ken Ham
Part 4: Using the example of the Apostle Paul's address before the Areopagus in Acts 17, Ham demonstrates how to present the real history found in Genesis as the foundation for truly rewarding evangelism efforts. Communicating the true history of the Bible is key. only then will a biblically illi...
Genesis 1:1
Discover what drives Ken to continue delivering strong messages about biblical authority in today's scoffing world. While uncovering the deep meaning of each primary word in Genesis 1:1, Ham offers an expanded paraphrase that sheds great light on the rich meaning of the Bible's very first verse.
Raising Godly Children in an Ungodly ...
Listen and watch as Ken Ham brings this practical message, searching the Scriptures to see what God says about bringing kids up to love him.